3 days, 11 businesses, 1 cop, 60 young people, 3 schools, Schauspielhaus Bochum, and lots of tinsel!
The last twelve months have seen a newly designed program for the Schauspielhaus Bochum, Germany put to the test! This program designed by Alice Fleming & Darren O’Donnell culminated in a three day festival Bespiel mal Bochum which took over the streets and businesses in Langendreer, Werne and Mitte. Celebrating Bochum by playfully opening the doors of local businesses and putting the spotlight on everything from the local baker, funeral home, florist, video store, fire station and many of our favourite cafes!
It was great to have such a big crowd join us to dance down the street, fill up on Robby Bubble, pull a wagon or hold some tinsel as we toured the town and celebrated the last year working together.
We were lucky enough to work with Miriam von Kutzleben, Hanna Held, Charlotte Brune, Sinja Heidemann and Ronja Eickmeier from the University of Cologne throughout the twelve months of workshops and development, directed by Jana Eiting and Darren O’Donnell
Thank you to Willy-Brandt-Gesamtschule Bochum, Gesamtschule Bochum-Mitte, Nelson-Mandela-Schule, Jana Eschment at the University of Cologne, Mit Ohne Alles from the Ruhrtrienalle and Konstantin Bock and Lukas Wenninger for taking such beautiful footage!
A special thank you for the generosity of Bochum businesses including Café Kinkerlitzchen, Autobahnpolizeiwache Bochum, Atlantis-Megamax, Feuerwehr Bochum – Wache III, Bestattungen Schäfer, Bäckerei Hansen, Blumenhaus Mesenich, Café Ana and Amts Apotheke.